WhatsApp is set to enhance its group communication capabilities with the introduction of a new voice chat feature. Aimed at offering a more convenient method for conducting voice calls in large groups, this feature is transitioning from beta to official release in the next few weeks.
The existing functionality allows for voice calls with up to 32 participants on WhatsApp. However, the forthcoming voice chat feature provides a more seamless experience and will start with groups that have 33 people or more. Unlike traditional group calls, users will not be called directly. Instead, they will be notified via a push notification and can join the conversation by tapping a bubble within the chat.
How to start a voice chat
To start a voice chat:
- Open the group chat you want to start a voice chat with.
- Tap in the top right corner of the screen.
- Tap Start Voice Chat.
Once you start the voice chat, group members will receive a push notification to join instead of a call. You can see who has joined the voice chat in a banner on the bottom of the screen. Voice chats will end automatically once everyone has left the chat. They’ll also end if no one joins the first or last person in the chat for 60 minutes.
The voice chat allows participants to access call controls at the top of the chat, ensuring that the chat functionality remains unobstructed, enabling participants to send text messages while engaged in a voice chat. These chats will maintain WhatsApp’s standard of privacy with end-to-end encryption and can accommodate up to 32 people.
The new feature is slated for release on both iOS and Android platforms and will initially target larger group chats, specifically those with 33 to 128 members. WhatsApp’s decision to start with larger groups suggests that smaller groups can continue to utilize the existing voice call option, which already serves groups of up to 32 participants effectively.
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