WhatsApp, the popular instant-messaging service, announced today the introduction of a new feature called Chat Lock. The feature, which has been in testing since last month, aims to provide users with additional privacy and security for their most confidential conversations. Chat Lock allows users to lock their chats behind their mobile’s password or biometric information, such as a fingerprint.
When a chat thread is locked, it is moved from the inbox to a secure folder accessible only with the user’s mobile credentials. Furthermore, the content of the locked chat is automatically hidden in notifications, ensuring enhanced privacy.
To lock a chat, users can tap on the name of a one-to-one or group conversation and select the lock option. To access the secured chats, users can gently pull down on their WhatsApp inbox and enter their mobile password or biometric information.
WhatsApp plans to expand the capabilities of Chat Lock in the coming months by adding features such as locking for companion devices and the option to create a custom password for chats, separate from the mobile password.
“Locking a chat takes that thread out of the inbox and puts it behind its own folder that can only be accessed with your mobile password or biometric, like a fingerprint,” WhatsApp explained in a blog post. “It also automatically hides the contents of that chat in notifications too.”
The Meta-owned company believes Chat Lock will prove useful across various settings. “This feature will be great for people who have reason to lend their mobiles from time to time to a family member or those moments where someone else is holding your mobile at the exact moment an extra special chat arrives,” the company stated.
Although WhatsApp already offers end-to-end encryption, the new feature provides an extra layer of security when someone has unlocked access to a user’s mobile and can view their messages.
The introduction of Chat Lock follows a series of updates WhatsApp rolled out early this month, including single-vote polls and the ability to forward media with captions. As the company continues to innovate, users can expect more features that enhance their messaging experience and overall security on the platform.
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