WhatsApp launched Channels, “a simple, reliable, and private way to receive important updates from people and organizations, all right within WhatsApp”. Now it has expanded its Channels features for broadcasts in seven more countries including Egypt, Chile, Malaysia, Morocco, Ukraine, Kenya, and Peru.
For social media managers, it’s another platform on top of a host of other social media platforms to disseminate information. For businesses, organizations, and even the media, it’s now a direct way to share the latest updates with WhatsApp users β which actually is good news!
The company made the announcement through a Tweet and a Threads post earlier today.
WhatsApp first launchedΒ Channels last month for users based out of Singapore and Colombia. The company launched this feature to let people follow different NGOs, medical research institutions, fact-checking bodies, and local authorities to get information.
At the time of launch, the company said it plans to make the feature available to everyone this year. “Channels are a one-way broadcast tool for admins to send text, photos, videos, stickers, and polls,” the WhatsApp blog reads.
You’ll be able to search for channels that cater to topics you’re interested in. Stuff such as hobbies, sports teams, updates from local officials, and more. WhatsApp is in the midst of building a directory of topics to follow.
Instead of searching on the app, you can also get to a channel from invite links sent in chats by friends, e-mail, or posted online. In short, WhatsApp is essentially taking on Telegram directly by introducing a long-time coming feature their rival had been popular for.
Where to find WhatsApp Channels?
WhatsApp Channels can be found under the “Updates” tab within the app.
For those on the web version, it can be found under the broadcast icon at the top (right next to Communities, Status, and New Chat).
If you don’t see WhatsApp Channels, you need to make sure that your app is up-to-date (or check if it’s available in your location).
How safe is WhatsApp Channels?
For admins of WhatsApp channels, personal information such as phone numbers and profile photos will not be revealed to followers.
“Likewise, following a channel wonβt reveal your phone number to the admin or other followers. Who you decide to follow is your choice and itβs private,” WhatsApp adds.
Another interesting fact is that channel updates will only stick around for up to 30 days before they disappear from the channel history to make way for newer updates.
“Admins will also have the option to block screenshots and forwards from their channel,” WhatsApp promised, adding that they’ll soon make it possible for admins to decide who can follow their channel and whether they want their channel to be discoverable in the directory or not.
“Given the aim of Channels is to reach a wide audience, channels are not end-to-end encrypted by default. We do think there are some cases where end-to-end encrypted channels to a limited audience might make sense, such as a non-profit or health organization, and weβre exploring this as a future option as well.”
WhatsApp Channels is currently available in Singapore and Malaysia with the feature set to be rolled out worldwide in phases in the coming weeks.