According to recent reports, WhatsApp is introducing a new feature called “Status Archive” for businesses on its platform. This feature allows businesses to share their previous status updates with customers, serving as a valuable tool. Currently, the feature is being rolled out to beta testers of WhatsApp Business for Android, with plans to expand its availability to more users in the upcoming weeks.
WABetaInfo, a reliable source, confirms that the feature is gradually becoming accessible to beta testers and will be made available to a wider user base soon.
In addition to the company’s efforts to revamp the messenger app, WhatsApp is actively working on enhancing existing features. Following improvements to the Calls tab in the recent WhatsApp beta for Android update, the focus has now shifted to the Status tab. Some businesses may have access to the new “Status Archive” feature after updating to the latest WhatsApp beta for Android version from the Google Play Store.
Users will receive a notification banner within the Status tab, indicating if the feature is enabled for their WhatsApp account. Once activated, status updates will be archived on the device after 24 hours. Users can manage their archive preferences and access the archive directly from the menu within the Status tab. It is important to note that the archived status updates remain private and can only be viewed by the respective business.
This feature holds great potential for brands, as they can republish status updates from their archive and share them again with customers.
Note that the archived status updates will be stored on the device for a maximum of 30 days, which will enable businesses to continue creating advertisements for Facebook and Instagram or sharing status updates until they expire in the archive.
The rollout of the status archive feature has commenced for selected beta testers who have installed the latest version of WhatsApp Business beta from the Google Play Store. Over the following weeks, the feature will be gradually made accessible to a larger user base.