Neurolign, a specialist in neurofunctional diagnostic testing and clinical eye-tracking has launched NeurolignFit – a consumer health and wellness device that makes use of professional eye-tracking technology to ensure users can track, understand and enhance their general mental acuity from home.
Neurolign is a brain health technology company that releases NerolignFit to ensure neurological training is brought into the home and ensure brain health is a major part of everyday wellness practice.
Eugene Melnyd, chairman and CEO of Neurolign, said: “The brain, just like any other part of the human body, needs to be exercised and cared for, and with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic reinvigorating public dialogue around wellness, a product like NeurolignFit has never been more prescient. Until now, the research-backed benefits of eye-based neuro-functional evaluation have been out of reach for the public. By putting the power of this technology into an intuitive, gamified consumer device, Neurolign is hoping to change the way people think about and improve their brain health and wellness.”
The platform is made up of an easy-to-use mobile app and handheld device which make use of clinical grade eye-tracking technology to facilitate a series of rapid noninvasive neurological assessments. The data generated from the tests are run through an algorithm that creates reports continuously of users’ latest brain performance in three major areas – movement, focus, and mental sharpness and provides users some eye-based exercises to train those areas over time.
The technology used in NeurolighFit has been under development for more than 30years and is used in different medical fields, its ability to detect eye movements linked with more than 200 different diseases and medical conditions. Traditionally, the technology has been confined to expensive and bulky devices that can only be used in a professional setting, thus relegated to clinical facilities and research labs.
Neurolign VP of technology development Dr. Alex Kiderman said: “Neurolign’s eye-tracking technology is backed with 60+ research citations, 30 patents, and eight clinical studies in the past year alone, alongside extensive peer consultations. NeurolignFit is the result of our efforts to merge the tremendous power of clinical eye-tracking technology into a consumer-friendly platform. The ability to put brain tools into the hands of consumers marks a turning point for wellness technology writ large.”