Nky Iweka is a British Nigerian trying to introduce Nigerian cuisine to the International world. She is the owner of Tupelo and Green based in the United Kingdom
A Computer Scientist by training, she worked as a management consultant (PwC Consulting) for many years before quitting to enter into the world of Food. Now she likes to be called a “foodie”.
According to her, “I like to describe us {Nigerians} as functional eaters. We eat to survive. Food is not…The whole razzmatazz you normally have around food, say with French cuisine, we don’t really have it. There is no reason why..Maybe it doesn’t have to be at that level..There is no reason why we can present our food better than we do..Which is where I come in..That is what I have trying to do for the last few years”.
Here is a video of Nky on BBC about her plans