The Kenyan judiciary has recently introduced a groundbreaking initiative known as the Digital Sex Offenders Registry, marking the first of its kind in the country. This electronic register serves as a comprehensive database that contains vital information regarding all convicted sex offenders.
Chief Justice (CJ) Koome emphasized the significance of implementing this automated registry, stating that it serves as a critical tool in safeguarding the public against sex offenders. By providing easily accessible information, individuals are equipped with the means to take necessary precautions, fostering an environment that discourages such offenses. CJ Koome expressed these sentiments during an event held at the Kibera Law Courts on Monday.
Upon request, Kenyans will have the ability to query the database and obtain information on sexual offenders. However, judicial officials will have unrestricted access to the online registry, eliminating the need for formal requests.
The establishment of this registry represents a significant stride in record-keeping and conducting background checks on individuals. The registry’s primary objective is to enhance the safety of society, particularly vulnerable groups such as young children.
CJ Koome further emphasized that the creation of the Digital Sex Offenders Registry addresses the prevalent challenge of a lack of reliable and accessible data on the prevalence of sexual gender-based violence and child abuse. The registry is established under the Sexual Offences Act and will hold the records of all convicted offenders. By automating this register, the judiciary ensures easy access to information on convicted sex offenders, thereby expediting the process of justice.
Beyond serving as a deterrent, the digital tool will also play a pivotal role in prevention and rehabilitation efforts targeting sex offenders, promoting a safer and more secure society for all.