Why bother with your Alexa ranking?
Well, if you have been online for more than 6 months and you don’t know it, maybe you don’t need it. But if you have a website and you intend to either make money through on-line advertisements or know how popular you are among your peers in the same industry, you need to know about it.
Your Alexa Rank is a measurement of traffic to a website drawn from data provided to the search company Alexa from tracking software embedded in the Alexa…Alexa provides traffic data, global rankings and other information on 30 million websites
To know your Alexa ranking, go to www.Alexa.com, type in the URL of your site in slot for search. It will either give you your Alexa ranking or “No data”.
To get a good ranking or a better one, I cam across a site which tells you the obvious and not-so-obvious ways of getting a low Alexa ranking – http://michelleshaeffer.com
Michelle also has the necessary ideas and steps depicted in an infographic as seen below. Enjoy!!