WhatsApp web is now live. As reported earlier, users are required to scan a QR code with their phone to login, this is part of the process of syncing your device to the desktop version.
WhatsApp web is just an extension of WhatsApp on your phone. The web browser mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device — this means all of your messages are still live on your phone
The primary use is of course still on your phone,” a spokesman said, “but there are people who spend time in front of a computer at home or at work and this will help bridge the two.”
To begin using WhatsApp on your browser, open web.whatsapp.com on Google Chrome browser, scan the code you see using the scanner from your device (though it’s not available on iOS due to the platform limitations), and you’re ready to go. Your device will be paired with the WhatsApp client on your phone.
This is a good move from the Facebook owned company since competitors like Skype and Viber are already available on PC’s. Guess we’ll just have to wait on the company to deliver the calling feature we were promised to get.
Source: WhatsApp
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