Twitter is making Pope Francis’ visit to the US special be rolling out special emojis for him. The Pope also received a warm Twitter welcome after being named Pope.
The emoji appear when specific hashtags — #PopeinUS, #PopeinDC, #PopeinNYC and #PopeinPhilly, — are used in tweets.
Twitter mentioned that it has already seen an increase in conversation since his arrival in the US. Here’s a chart that shows how it’s unfolded leading up to today.
Pope Francis is the fourth head of the Catholic Church to visit the United States, nearly 50 years after Paul VI made the first visit by a pontiff to the country in October 1965. He is in the US for six days and his main aim is to highlight his love for the poor and his willingness to tackle the nation’s most significant political, social and economic controversies
If you want to follow the Pope, his Twitter handle is @Pontiflex