Twitter continues to launch different offerings despite its undecisiveness about its acquisition by Elon Musk. This time, the company wants to grab a large piece of the social commerce pie with Product Drops. “When a merchant Tweets about an upcoming launch,” Twitter explains in the announcement, “you’ll see a “Remind me” button at the bottom of the Tweet.”
To explain how the notification will be sent, the company said, “With one tap, you can request to be reminded of the Drop. On launch day, you’ll get an in-app notification in your Notifications tab 15 minutes before and at the time of the drop, so you can be among the first to shop on the merchant’s website and (hopefully) beat out other shoppers. When you click on the notification, you’ll see a “Shop on website” button to purchase the item on the merchant’s website.”
In summary, Twitter wants to make sure users don’t miss out on an exclusive product launch. The new feature, which the company has confirmed has gone into test, will also help businesses connect with those who wish to make a purchase.
Before now, Twitter users come to the platform to discuss product launches. This raises the curiosity of interested buyers as they look out for the day the product will drop. Twitter is now giving merchants a platform to do this, using its new Product Drops feature.
As the company notes, “We’re excited to… introduce new shopping features that empower shoppers to stay on top of the launches that matter most to them and provide merchants with another way to engage shoppers around big product moments.”
Merchants may now use Product Drops to create a particular type of tweet that includes both text and graphics to promote their upcoming product(s). As before, a business can create a promotional tweet with product images and copy as usual, but this time, they can also include a date by which the item will be available for purchase.
When a user clicks on this tweet, they are directed to the Product Details Page, where they may get all of the information they need to make a decision. They also have the option of clicking on the hashtag to view the comments that others have made regarding the product.
At the moment, only iOS users in the US who use Twitter in English can take part in the test. Twitter says that Dior, The Home Depot, and the clothing company Union Los Angeles were among the first brands to work with them. The company also noted in the announcement that it would roll out the feature to more merchants and shoppers in the future.
Product Drops is just the same way that Instagram and other social media platforms allow merchants to preview future products and allow users to set reminders. Even though e-commerce isn’t as much of a focus on Twitter as it is on Instagram, where a whole tab is dedicated to shopping, shoppers already talk about new releases they’re looking forward to on Twitter.