Pavel Durov, the CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was detained at an airport near Paris this past Saturday. The arrest is part of a preliminary inquiry scrutinizing the app’s moderation policies and its alleged inability to effectively prevent criminal activities, as reported by Reuters, referencing French media outlets BFM TV and TF1. Additionally, Telegram faces accusations of non-cooperation with law enforcement authorities.
In response to these developments, Telegram issued a statement on Sunday afternoon through its official news channel and on platform X. The statement defended CEO Durov, asserting that he “has nothing to hide.” It also addressed the allegations directly, stating, “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.”
The statement further clarified that Telegram complies with European Union laws, including the Digital Services Act, and maintains that its moderation practices are in line with industry standards and are continuously being enhanced.
According to Reuters, Durov was apprehended following his arrival at Le Bourget airport on a private jet. The BBC reports that the ongoing investigation is focused on the app’s purported shortcomings in addressing issues such as drug trafficking, the dissemination of child sexual abuse materials, and fraudulent schemes.
Telegram, the widely-used social media platform, has gained immense popularity across the globe, particularly in regions of Europe and Asia. Earlier this year, CEO Pavel Durov announced that the platform was on the verge of reaching a significant milestone of one billion active monthly users.
Known for its robust end-to-end encryption, Telegram allows for the creation of large groups with the capacity to host tens of thousands of members. This feature facilitates the mass dissemination of information and content without censorship, contributing to the app’s widespread adoption.
According to NPR, the Paris prosecutor’s office is expected to issue a statement on Monday regarding the recent developments involving Telegram and its CEO. The platform, in its own statement, expressed hope for a swift resolution to the current situation.
Telegram’s commitment to privacy and the ability to share content on a large scale has positioned it as a key player in the social media landscape, and the forthcoming statement from the prosecutor’s office is anticipated to shed more light on the nature of the investigation and the future of the app’s operations in France.