Nigeria has been ranked 119 in the 2016 World Economic Forum (WEF) Networked Readiness Index (NRI). This is contained in the Global Information Technology Report 2016
Launched by the World Economic Forum in 2001 and significantly extended in 2012, the NRI can help to assess countries’ ability to capitalize on the digital revolution and their preparedness to benefit from the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The indicators that make up the NRI shine a light on two major questions: (1) What level of ICT access and use is reached within a country? (2) What is the impact of digital technologies once there is access?
The Index aggregates data from 53 indicators, organized on the basis of the networked readiness framework (Figure 1). Networked readiness rests on whether a country possesses the drivers necessary for digital technologies to unleash their potential, and on whether these technologies are actually impacting the economy and society.
The drivers are grouped within four subindexes as follows:
A. Environment subindex
1. Political and regulatory environment (9 indicators)
2. Business and innovation environment (9 indicators)
B. Readiness subindex
3. Infrastructure (4 indicators)
4. Affordability (3 indicators)
5. Skills (4 indicators)
C. Usage subindex
6. Individual usage (7 indicators)
7. Business usage (6 indicators)
8. Government usage (3 indicators)
Impact is measured as a separate subindex:
D. Impact subindex
9. Economic impacts (4 indicators)
10. Social impacts (4 indicators)
The composition of the group of top 10 performers is unchanged from last year. The group consists of a mix of high-income Southeast Asian (Singapore and Japan) and European countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg) as well as the United States. Networked readiness therefore remains highly correlated with per capita income.
The highest ranked African country is Mauritius at number 49.
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