So I applied for the role of an educator primarily to open your mind to the insights, opportunities and intricacies of the Mobile Industry. And I got the Job! Congratulations to me. I think.
So what exactly are the details of my new Job? Imagine yourself without your Mobile Device for 48 hours..(I know you just said not gonna happen. In my spare time I read minds too). Whether we agree or not we have all become addicts to our Mobile Phone/devices. You don’t agree?
How did you set your alarm to get the bed today?
How did you capture the to do list you must achieve today?
As you kept going, how did you check up on the news and other information?
Need I go on? Don’t think so.
The truth is, various individuals and organizations have created products and services that would keep you very attached to your device. They have made us (yes, you and I) addicts! I would be introducing to you the innovators (or as I like to call them the Sharp guys) within the Mobile Industry, the businessmen, the Wisemen (those who forsaw the development the industry would birth and still seeing the opportunities that would change the world) and so many others.
I would also help you understand in details some statistics that these groups of people have studied to get them to “this stage”.
Let me warn you though, I am not good at high-sounding words and not very common abbreviations. I like to keep things simple, easy to read and communicate the essentials without boring you I am almost certain you would walk away from each article with new learnings about the mobile world.
I am supposed to introduce myself right? No need to really, you would know me as we journey together. Looking forward to this journey you and I are embarking on. Lets go!