With effect from 1 August, Econet-owned EcoCash lowered its tariffs.
EcoCash is an innovative mobile payment solution that enables Econet customers to complete simple financial transactions and is a product that has connected a population which was hitherto disconnected from accessing financial services.
This comes hot on the heels after the company reduced its merchant tariffs. EcoCash’s move might boost their transactions which had been lowered due to the country’s cash shortages. Again, the move might similarly bolster their subscriptions.
With reference to the recently released Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority’s (POTRAZ) first quarter performance report for 2017, EcoCash has the uncontested share of active mobile money subscribers of 3,245,405 from the country’s total subscriber base of 3,251,784, hence, making it Zimbabwe’s largest mobile money platform. Again, according to the latest Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority’s quarterly report, Ecocash mobile subscriptions marginally dropped by 1, 7 percent to 3, 19 million from 3, 25 million.
Below Are New EcoCash Tariffs:

Dial 114 or visit the EcoCash website for more info.
Thanks admin for the update. I think with this reduction in their Tariff will attract more customers.
Pingback: EcoCash Lowers Tariffs | Androiddrips
Someone should correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t think EcoCash is having a functional base in Nigeria yet. If not, it will be great if we can have them come over. Looking at that Table over there, it seems they have a lot to offer.