Author: Tapiwa Matthew Mutisi

Tapiwa Matthew Mutisi has been covering blockchain technology, intelligent technologies, cryptocurrency, cybersecurity, telecommunications technology, sustainability, autonomous vehicles, and other topics for Innovation Village since 2017. In the years since, he has published over 4,000 articles — a mix of breaking news, reviews, helpful how-tos, industry analysis, and more. | Open DM on Twitter @TapiwaMutisi

“Power Rangers” is baloney through and through, but as baloney goes, it’s better than you might expect. It packs enough zing to make you forgive the origin-story clichés. And the predictable save-the-world stuff. And the insanely ubiquitous product placement. (Seriously, whatever Krispy Kreme paid to be an actual plot point…

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The days of Google Talk are quickly coming to an end. As the company  announced, the messaging service that allowed Gmail users to talk to each other since it launched in 2005, will now be completely retired. Even while Google pushed Hangouts as its consumer messaging service (before Allo, Duo, Hangouts Chat and…

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“Make an appointment for 3pm tomorrow with Francis,” I say to my assistant. Remembering that there was a time when you had to be high up in an organisation to have an assistant. My assistant is an artificially intelligent piece of software that lives in my smart phone. It makes…

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