The British Council is inviting applications for its global innovation challenge tagged #IdeasChangeLives. The IdeasChangeLives global innovation challenge is aimed at finding technological solutions to some of the greatest problems in the world.
The British Council is looking for people with a new, entrepreneurial spirit and a big idea that can have a positive impact on communities around the world.
The winning pitch of British Council #IdeasChangeLives Global Innovation Challenge will receive £20,000 to invest in their project, as well as a full year of mentoring and funding from the British Council.
The British Council is looking for ideas that will help us achieve any or all of the goals of one of the three Global Sustainable Development Goals below:
Goal 4: Quality education: Ensure quality education that is inclusive and equal and foster opportunities for lifelong learning for all.
Goal 5: Gender equality: Gender equality is achieved and all women and girls are empowered.
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth: Promoting sustainable, equitable and sustainable economic development, complete and efficient jobs and decent work for everyone.
The IdeasChangeLives is open to everyone throughout the world. As a person or an agency, you can choose to apply.
The British Council accepts ‘early-stage’ applications, which means that when you apply, you do not necessarily need a working prototype.
In order to apply, you do not need to work in the electronic or technology sector. To help you, the British Council suggests that you think carefully before applying:
The need to discuss your idea — be specific about which of the Global Goals you’re focused on and the issue your solution could help solve.
Why people will benefit — tell us why your idea matters to the people for whom it is intended and how it has the potential to impact thousands of lives positively.
Why it’s convincing — so tell us the story behind your proposal, we need to believe that you really care about making a difference.
The contest — show us that you have a clear understanding and knowledge of any rivals who may work on similar products and tell us why your concept is different.
The tools and resources needed to make it a product — it doesn’t matter if you haven’t previously worked with technology. What matters is a clear understanding of how your idea is going to work in the real world.
Financing to get your idea out of the way
£20,000 in prize money, no matter what stage you’re in, to develop your product.
The competition will close on 10 January 2020.
We are going to announce our shortlisted applicants in February 2020. They will be asked to produce a short video and develop a business model to explain their concept.
We will name our finalists in March 2020, who will then be interviewed by our panel of judges. The committee will consist of industry experts and members from the Digital, Partnerships and Development department of the British Council.
Click here for more details.