Google just announced its tap-and-pay mobile system, Android Pay to the Android phone users at over one million locations across the US. This service will allow users store their credit card details on their phones, as well as loyalty cards and other data. Using it is simple, unlock your device, and place it near an NFC-connected terminal and pay… It’s that easy.
Android Pay can be used with smartphones that have near-field communication (NFC) capability and Google’s KitKat 4.4+ operating system.
It will be made available to all carriers in the U.S with added support for cards from Visa, MasterCard, and a long list of banks. For secured transactions, Google issues a virtual account number (rather than your actual credit/debit card numbers) for authentication.
And just in case your phone is ever lost or stolen, simply use Android Device Manager to instantly lock your device from anywhere, secure it with a new password, or even wipe it clean of your personal information.
Google will make this system available to countries like the UK, Spain and China soon, though the company is yet to reveal exactly when Android Pay will be available outside the US.