The Cameroon government has ordered the shutdown of the internet to the english-speaking region of Bamenda and Yaounde.
Six days after the order, and it is still in force and the hashtag #BringBackOurInternet is trending on Twitter.
The shutdown was advised via a letter from the Director-General of CAMTEL, Cameroon’s national telecommunications and internet service provider saying that the internet was shut down by the order from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.
Here is the transcript of the letter:
For the attention of the Minister for Post and Telecommunications
Subject: Suspension of internet services in certain sensitive regions
Madam Minister
I have the honor to inform you that following your instructions, CAMTEL has made all necessary arrangements for the suspension referred to above. However, it happens that some operators have not exactly followed your recommendations.
I personally mobilized a team to the CAMTEL sites in the cities of Yaounde, Douala, Kribi and Limbe between Tuesday 17 January 2017 at 20h30 and Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 01h30 in order to coercively enforce your mentioned instructions.
This operation resulted in the suspension of internet service for all internet service providers (ISPs) throughout the country. After a firm commitment by these different partners to respect the measures taken in close collaboration with the Government, the service was restored.
We have noted that some operators such as MTN, offer internet service to other suppliers such as CREOLINK, VODAFONE and AFRIMAX, and this is within the margin of the regulation in force. Investigations are under way for the VIETTEL case.
Moreover, this clearly raises the problem not only of the control of internet services at the level of the different access points for submarine fibre-optic cables and satellite access, but also of the need to acquire modern tools that can guarantee our sovereignty.
Please accept, Madam Minister, this expression of my highest consideration.
The Director General, Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL)
It was reported that the shut down was a response to ongoing protests and strikes by local lawyers and teachers who claim that the government is allowing French to “sideline” English in the country.
As at the time of this report, the Internet connection is yet to be restored.