Elon Musk took his next big step in fully turning Twitter into X on Tuesday night: The @Twitter handle officially changed to @X. But, what about its original owner? The owner of the @x Twitter handle confirmed that the company, now known as X, took over his account without warning or financial compensation, telling him the handle is a property of X.
The handle had previously belonged to Gene X. Hwang, co-founder of event photo company Orange Photography and the person who originally registered the @x handle on the platform more than 16 years ago, earlier that same day.
So, Musk now has the @x handle. What happened? Did Musk reach out to Hwang? Did Hwang cash in and get a paycheck from the company for the handle as some on social media have speculated?
Here’s how it went down.
No, the company just took it from him.
Musk’s company is within its right to take the username. Barring trademark issues, users don’t have rights to specific handles according to most social media companies’ terms of service.
However, with reports that Twitter had been considering launching a service where users could bid on unused, rare handles, some users had thought the company would offer Hwang something.
According to Hwang, the company now formerly known as Twitter did offer “an alternative handle with the history of the @x account” so that his original account, complete with its posts and followers, could live on and continue to be used.
What short, catchy username did Musk’s company change Hwang’s handle to? @x12345678998765.
Shortly after X took control of the @x handle, Hwang tweeted from his new username.
“Alls well that ends well,” he posted, which might be where the speculation originated that he was happy with whatever deal that was made.
But, there was no deal. However, the company did offer Hwang some non-financial compensation. In a letter, the company formerly known as Twitter thanked Hwang for his loyalty and offered him a selection of X merchandise and a tour of X’s HQ, as a “reflection of our appreciation.”
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