Grabbing that desired market share is not an easy task for any company especially those in the smartphone and OS sector.
The windows phones market share keeps rising year on year but still not enough to catch up with the cheetahs of the smartphone world; Android and iOS so Microsoft has come up with a massive and mouth watering deal.
Microsoft is offering Samsung $1 billion to support their Windows Phone operating system by manufacturing devices. on the Windows Phone front, Microsoft is struggling to have a company come forward that isn’t Nokia (who may be releasing a device based on Android) but ss we all know, Samsung is the leading Android OEM by a landslide.
Nokia was involved in something similar with Microsoft when Steve Ballmer and the guys up in Redmond decided to pay more than $250 million every quarter to keep the Finnish manufacturer with Windows Phone. Samsung likes to spread its name, so escalating Windows Phone production wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
Where does that leave our PINGiiiNG blackberry who is neither in alliance with the big boys nor innovating new catchy stuff?