When you mention Kim Kardashian, what comes to mind is the reality show, “Keeping with the Kardasians” and the fact that she is married to Kanye West.
Well the reality queen has gone beyond clothing, jewelry and cosmetics to video games. It is reported that her first video game has been a hit since its June 25 release.
Bloomberg reports that “The Kardashian game; Kim Kardashian:Hollywood, takes users inside Hollywood, guided by a virtual Kim who offers advice on how to become an A-list celebrity, starting from the so-called E-list.

While the game is free to play, the goal is to get users hooked on in-app purchases such as clothing or a burst of energy needed for traipsing through Hollywood. Users can spend as much as $99.99 for 175,000 virtual dollars. A trip to Beverly Hills costs 4 game “dollars,” while 400 will buy a necklace.
Kardashian’s voice guides the uninitiated through casting calls and parties, while users dodge surly tweets from rivals.”
Since the release of the video game, it has risen as high as second among most-downloaded free-to-play games at Apple Inc.’s U.S. App Store, and the well-reviewed title yesterday was third. The game was created by Glu Mobile Inc.
“It might be our biggest game of the year,” Chief Executive Officer Niccolo de Masi said in an interview. “We’re not surprised. Kim is a one-of-a-kind talent with an incredibly precise fit to the game engine that we tailored but already had in the company.” Shares of San Francisco-based game creator Glu Mobile have risen 42 percent since the game’s release.
It is reported that this video game could earn Kim around $200 million annually.